Sunday, November 7, 2010

Planting and watering by man of landlord. Photo frames, showpeices, painting of common areas,maintaining them,cleaning them etc is done by landlord but misused by all others even by tresspassers, non rent paying tenants.

Terrace of Tholiya Bhavan well maintained by landlords

but used by even non paying tenants and tresspassers due to libral attitude of landlords.

Earlier my mother and now my wife (land ladies)

keep passages and common areas of building maintained and clean as no tenant are botherd to do so. They just misuse and exploit the property:

Thursday, November 4, 2010

BMC and tree falling incidents


[Attachment(s) from tholiya included below] 9324225699

1 of 1 Photo(s)



Coconuts falling and chances of accident


[Attachment(s) from tholiya included below] 9324225699


Attachment(s) from tholiya

1 of 1 Photo(s)



Tuesday, October 5, 2010

falling trees and notice to owner of building ??? why??

Note to Respected Nana  Chudasamaji,

If tree trimming and for development of property tree shifting policies are simplified then more and more trees will be planted without hesitation...Alok





Tel. 26125699 / M.9324225699. 






Tuesday, October 05, 2010


1) Hon. Sr. Inspector of Police,

Vakola Police Station,

Mumbai 400055


2) Hon. A.M.C.,

H/east, BMC,

Mumbai 400055


Respected Sir/s ,



Ref. News article in todays Times of India  " BMC issues notice to owner of building as tree branch falls on a lady breaking her ribs:



On one hand police and BMC  threatens to put person behind bar if they try to even trim trees and on the other hand BMC issues notice to a building owner.


I am a tree lover and working hand in hand with I love Mumbai ( jointly with BMC) for more then 8 years in distributing free saplings. But I desist from planting trees in my own compound for following reasons :

  1. If issue of redevelopment comes then BMC officials ask for very fat amount to allow to cut the tree.
  2. Tree branches if create trouble by entering building windows etc then as per warning of Hon M.C. himself we can not trim branches on our own.
  3. If we plant fruit or flower trees then those eying free ka, pluck the same and issue becomes law and order issue though we normally let go as such people are always there in everyone's vicinity.


But after seeing above article I have following questions :


Are we allowed to trim / chop off tree branches ?

Are we allowed to cut the tree if is in falling condition?

When ever we have asked for even permission to remove the falling tree BMC garden engineers have asked for hefty amount to get the NOC as he said he has to give same to higher ups too. Is there a simple way to get such permission like attach photo and get 5 signatures of neighbours to cut / trim ?


Pl. note that before my family purchased this building as above there were some trees already in our property.


Out of which there is one coconut tree leaning on to compound of neighboring building Milap Bhavan. Coconuts keep falling in their compound . If a coconut falls on any child/ sr. citizens then it can really be fatal.


Nither I have planted the tree nor I am plucking the coconuts from it. Rather I have to spend money to clean the ground from fallen leaves, branches etc from this and other tress.


You are requested to remove this coconut tree before any mishap happens. God has made me capable of making efforts to earn and buy coconut and fruits. I don't want any mishap and subsequent loss of life and property. If no proper reply with direction is received in 15 days then I will not be responsible for any acts of negligence/ act of god/ accident.



Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O.),


CC to Residents of Milap Bhavan.

Residents of Tholiya Bhavan ( putting up this on Notice board.)   Read this blog for civic and political issues raised by me.


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fw: Revised after receiving many suggestions letter to Hon. Judge is finally being sent

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: shailesh gandhi <>
To: Mr Alok Tholiya <>
Cc: VNSS yahoogroups <>; Film Raza Murad <>; Jain R.K. Social Tirthe Kshetra <>; "Sunita Agrawal McDonald&#39,s India West & South" <>; MP Advaniji <>; MP Anthoniji <>; MP Babbarji <>; MP Jaitleyji <>; Nana Chudasama <>;; Jain Nupur Sunil shah <>; PRo India Property Newspaper Organisation <>; Shri B. R. BHATTAD <>; Suresh Gaur <>; VNSS N.S. Ravindranath VAKOLA Santacruz <>; Arichitect Environmental Nandakumar Moghe Speaker <>; Jain Anil Pande Chemist Santacruz East <>; Jain Unnati Lohade EYE Social Psychotherepist <>;; Social Bharti Vora <>; Social I Love Mumbai Nana Chudasama <>; menow <>; newspaper Keemat Consumer Guidence Soc. of India <>; Sangharsh Asso. of Insurance Policy holders <>
Sent: Wed, 9 July, 2008 7:35:09 PM
Subject: Re: Revised after receiving many suggestions letter to Hon. Judge is finally being sent

Dear Ashok,
          Congratulations on this letter. The pain and apparent injustice comes through
very well. It is a shame that such a letter needs to be written. I hope it leads to some correction and soul searching amongst the judiciary.
On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 2:14 AM, Mr Alok Tholiya <> wrote:



C.R.NO. 35

R.A.E. SUIT NO. 864 OF 2004



            1. Mrs. Saroj Tholiya …age 82 years… and 2 others.……….Plaintiffs

                     (Co owners)



  1. Mrs. Shakuntala N. Purohit age 75 yrs. and 3 others……..Defendants

(Heirs of the then tenant of approx. 180 sq. ft . area having rent of just Rs. 42.50/- p.m.)


Monday, June 30, 2008 matter was called out at 11 am


Hon. Judge,



I would like to draw kind attention of yourgoodself to following facts:


1. For months defendants did not file their written statement. We had to raise the issue several times before they filed the same.


  1. One of the plaintiffs and one of the defendants are above 75 years of age. We filed application to expedite the matter on this ground as per high court circular. The purpose of this circular is very holistic which wants to ensure that each and every litigant sees the fate of their case in their lifetime itself. Defendants opposed the expediting request application too inspite of there being no such provision but they used this as delay tactics. Finally Hon. Court allowed our application.
  2. During last 4 years twice our file in the matter disappeared from court. Only we chased for same. We wrote to Hon. Court and Hon. Registrar to ensure that file be located at the earliest. Same were found but not before months were wasted.
  3. In the name of shifting of office Ad. Pawar the advocate of defendants got long adjournment. Again in the name of marriage of his daughter he got long adjournment thus ensuring matter is delayed..
  4. Defendants advocate also took long adjournment on the ground that one of the defendants had to go to USA for business. They had other 3 defendants who could appear.
  5. They gave copy of examination in chief in the month of October 2007.They requested that on the next date they will file documents. Actually if they had any documents in their possession to rely on in their possession then they should have done so along with the above affidavit. Yet Hon. Court allowed them to do so by next date but inspite of lapse of 9 months they have not yet filed any documents.
  6. After nine months today when matter was called out Ad. Pawar informed court that they are filing a new application today as the documents are not traceable. He further stated that his client the defendant Madhukar Purohit has gone with application for affirmation and soon they will submit the same. I was advised to wait for copy.

I waited for two hours in the court room but neither Ad. Pawar nor his client came back to the court room. It is important to note that incidentally affirmation clerk is on the same floor and Xerox facility is just one floor above. Therefore anyone can come back with in 10 to 15 minutes after doing the affirmation and Xeroxing. In fact they should have kept the application ready before 11 am when the matter was called out as they had been already given 9 months for same. But it is a well known fact that parties on wrong side and their advocates take liberties of lenient attitude of court and purposely delay the matter.

However being restless after a long wait I went in search of my Advocate Pankajbhai. He was in Advocates room. He said just minutes back he had seen Ad. Pawar and had asked the copy of their application which they had promised to file before the Hon. Court. Ad. Pankaj further added that Ad. Pawar refused to give the copy and told that he will say whatever he wants to say before the court on the next date.

Sir, on next date defendant is likely to remain absent and their advocate is likely to seek long date and likely to submit their new application.

  1. Yourhonour, while our matter was being mentioned / discussed at that time I had requested your honor to allow me to throw light on above facts as defense is only interested in delaying the matter. Sir, you have recently taken over charge of this Hon. Court and are not aware of modus operandi of defendants and their Advocate and also not aware how matter has been moving ( in our case not moving) therefore in the interest of justice I thought it fit to humbly submit before your goodself synopsis of same. Since that opportunity was not given to me sir, I hereby humbly present the same before your goodself in writing.
  2. Sir, when 4 th standard school children are wary of facts that home work needs to be done before reaching classroom then how ld. Advocates and their successful clients ( in this case defendants are very big importers and exporters of  gems and jewelry and are complying timely all business commitments) are taking liberty and when matter is called out at that time their application is not kept ready? Why in nine month they could not keep same ready to present it promptly before yourgoodself. Are not they taking ride of courts soft attitude? Instead of fighting case on merit are they not using other means and excuses to just delay the matter?
  3. Sir even when next date was being asked to adjourn the matter then I had requested for 8 th of July but Ad. Pawar insisted for 15 of July .And his request was granted.Pl. note that when he is submitting a new application and we have to reply then if we are prepared to reply in short time then what is his problem? Why he wanted 15th of July when we are willing to submit reply before that. Is not this a method to delay the matter?
  4. Sir, several times the defendants have not been present and one Harish Chadha comes and appears before the Hon. Court on the advice of Ad. Pawar or his frequent absentee defendants. Is he not supposed to file copy of power of attorney? Can any one be made to stand up when the name of defendants is called out?
  5. Sir, though out of present purview but I want to inform that in the name of defendants this Harish Chadha has been creating nuisance and harassment to us may be on the instructions of defendants who live and enjoy their palatial house in Jaipur at that time. And when Harish Chadda was called to police station against our complaint he said he is acting on the instructions of defendants as he is their constituted attorney. Sir, he has never ever produced any copy of same either before the Hon. Court or to us or to police.


I sincerely hope and prey with folded hands before yourgoodself that pl. don't let the matter drag on for years and decades like another case where I am defendant and filed by a tenant (case no 2145 of 1990) is dragging for 18 years and not even issues have been framed in this case. The plaintiff tenant keeps filing new applications and keeps seeking adjournments which they get easily. On the last dates in this very matter RAD 2145 plaintiff tenant have taken adjournments on the ground of their Advocate Nathani being not well. On next date they applied for adjournment on the ground that they want to change the Advocate as he has become old and got adjournment of 45 days. Though matter is listed under expedited. However in appeal court with in a week Advocate Nathani appeared on their behalf.

On another occasion they successfully delayed for 4 years application to expedite filed by my aged mother . For redressal of my grievances I had to see the then Hon. Addl. Judge and only then on next date appropriate order was passed. Sir, My whole prime age has been wasted in court because of delaying tactics of these tenants.


Sincerely yours,



Alok Tholiya



C.C. to Hon. Chief Justice Supreme court of India, Hon. Chief Justice High Court of Mumbai, Hon. Chief Judge of Small Causes Court, Hon. Law minister of India, Hon. Law minister of Govt. of Maharashtra, Hon. Addl. Chief Judge of Small Causes Court, Bandra, Bar council and others with a request to take appropriate measures so no one takes ride of the great institution of Justice and spoils life of others in court with a view to harass / delay justice.


Also stern warning be issued to all Advocates to remain ready when the matter is called out as always sufficient time is given to them and that too is given as per their choice. In RAD 2145 Ad. Nathani always gets dates suitable to him as he comes only on Wednesdays to Bandra court. Yet they are not prepared and keep asking for adjournments. During last 18 years I have hardly asked for adjournments not even when my grand father was in bad state in hospital and finally died, my brother in law (sister's husband) was in hospital for six months suffering from cancer and finally died, my father met a road accident and was in coma for days in Hinduja hospital, my son was in hospital due to road accident with skull fracture. I am not mentioning how I attended to other routines, business, social engagements and even important events like 10 th and 12th exams and admissions of my daughter & son and finally their graduation as dentist and software engineer and how now I have to attend to my ailing bed ridden mother, prepare for children's career and marriage etc. etc. and yet cope with ever adjourning dates.


Pl. formulate a law restricting nos. of cases a lawyer can take in hand as their engagement / non preparedness earns bad name to courts. Newspapers keep flashing statistics that for how many decades how many lacs cases are pending in Indian Courts. No one highlights that most of the time it is advocates absence, negligence, unpreparedness, modus operandi (like of Ad. Nathani and Ad. Pawar)  which is responsible for delays in courts and suffering for decades of litigants.

With the restrictions the Advocates themselves will try to be well prepared and show interest in quick disposal of cases as they can take new cases in hand.


N.B. I have been encouraged to write this letter after reading (copy encl.) stinging criticism of Gujarat govt. and police by Supreme Court of India who had filed case against a writer who criticized Gujarat govt. and police. Hon. Supreme court in their order given in favour of writer said "Why are people from land of Mahatma Gandhi so intolerant towards criticism? There are worst things happening in this country. We don't find what he has written is objectionable". Hope my writings will also be taken as a healthy sharing of experience and as humble suggestions by all.




Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya
(Real Estate, Insurance, Mutual Funds, Bonds, Ticketing (Air, Bus, Rail)
Tholiya Marketing and Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
Marigold Party Hall,
Tholiya Bhavan,
10th Rd., Santacruz East,
Mumbai 400055

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Fw: proverb back stabbers is too mild for them

From: Mr Alok Tholiya <>
To: Alok Main <>
Sent: Fri, 12 June, 2009 8:37:34 AM
Subject: Fw: proverb back stabbers is too mild for them

When in difficulties and poverty even our own discard u. But Shri B L Tholiya remained solidly behind Purohit family. Inspite of 3 marriageable age daughters and all the financial constraints Tholiyaji did more then a neighbor would do. But instead how is he rewarded?????



REWARD TO 86 YRS OLD for being good and helpful


         THOLIYAJI had been summoned by Purohits to rent act court on 10 June 2009 but he did not attend the court as seems cud not understand the summons.

         Vested interests likely to get warrant issued against him

         Pl. help and guide in this serious issue as it is fight against shrewd , moneyed and opportunist

         Want to know more??? Call 9324225699


Rightly Chanakya said:

         Straight trees are cut first 
and honest people are victimised first.'


It is me who has filed an eviction case on Purohits. My father has nothing to do not even anything unofficially. And when I considered filing a case I was and m prepared for any sort of victimization up to death. But my father is being victimised.


So Chanakya was right when he said:


         Snake will be snake and will bite u in spite of u feeding milk whole life…


Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O.),
Real Estate, Insurance, Mutual Funds, Bonds,
Tholiya Marketing and Leasing Pvt. Ltd.,
"Marigold", the little Party Hall,
Tholiya Bhavan, 10th Rd., Santacruz East,
Mumbai 400055
M: 9324225699
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Fw: Sorry for sending long, very long mail.But pl. read and help by sending ur valueable suggestins and comments.......Alok




C.R.NO. 35

R.A.E. SUIT NO. 864 OF 2004



            1. Mrs. Saroj Tholiya …age 82 years… and 2 others.……….Plaintiffs

                     (Co owners)



  1. Mrs. Shakuntala N. Purohit age 75 yrs. and 3 others……..Defendants

(Heirs of the then tenant of approx. 180 sq. ft. area having rent of just Rs. 42.50/- p.m. but living in Palatial Bungalow in Jaipur)


Tuesday, July 15, 2008 matter was called out at 11 am


Hon. Judge,



I would like to draw kind attention of yourgoodself to following facts:


Pl. refer to my earlier letter on delay tactics by advocates of Tenants. Today i.e. on July 15 2008 Ad. Pawar presented new application to file additional documents. My Advocate opposed the same on the ground that they have already taken over 9 months to just submit the documents but have not done so. He pointed out that they are purposely trying to delay the matter and hence this application. He further drew attention of Yourhonour to the fact that matter is expedited as per circular from high court on the ground of age of one of the defendants and one of the plaintiffs.

To this Ad. Pawar sarcastically made two remarks and kept repeating the same and tried to humiliate us by saying:


  1. Your honor the matter is just of 2004.
  2. The lady is just sitting at home and the sons just keep filing cases after cases and try to take advantage of age of the mother.


Respected Sir,

At this moment I immediately got up to challenge him, to falsify his averments and his blatant lies to mislead and prejudice Hon. Court . But Ad. Pawar rudely asked me to sit down saying since my Advocate is present I can not say anything. As I was not allowed to speak I am writing this letter to clarify my stand on his statements and also I seek some clarifications. First are my replies to his above two humiliating statements.

1.  A)    Your honor, It was the decision of whole parliament to grant expeditious status to all cases/ take on priority all cases of sr. citizens. The law ministry wrote to all state government to start special courts for Sr. Citizens  in their states. Our state govt. sent the letter to high court who in turn instead of starting special courts found a better system and advised all courts to take up cases of Sr. Citizens expeditiously.

Sir, this is a blanket order. Where is a scope at the level of trial court to belittle this extra ordinary circular of High court or wishes of supreme body of our nation the Hon. Parliament and malign us in turn on seeking speedy redressal of our grievances as one of the plaintiff and one of the defendants are aged 75 years and above.?  


     B) Present world is so fast and compititive.What generations could not do are being done in jiffy.In such era of time is money the four year lost is meaningless to Mr. Pawar. If Bill Gates, Ambanis, Tatas, Shahrukh, Aamir  or researchers or scientists were to loose 4 years ( and 18 years in other suit) like this of there life then world economy, progress and development would have come to a stand still.  These advocates too seem to know meaning of time and make best by taking innumerable assignments  but  not remaining present ( atleast not prepared) in any of them.And their parameters are differant for litigants specially of opposite side.I won't be so mean to wish that these Advocates too loose their precious years in some of litigations and then hesitate to say in year 2008 "Your honour the matter is just of 2004" and when the case is not even half way thru.

2.       Your honor my mother had atleast come to the court once when she filed application to expedite the present suit but most often even young defendants have remained absent and they have even been represented unauthorizedly by one Harish Chadda.

B) The fact is that this building was purchased by our family in the year 1978. Since than this is the first suit which we have filed against any of our tenants.

There have been some very very good tenants more then family members and we enjoy very good relations with them even long after they have left the building.

They are: Shri Vivek Mehta (Business Head and V. P. L. & T.): Shri Narendra Gupta (Retd.  Manager: W.R.); Shri R. N. Goyal (Retd. V.P. Piramal Mills); Mrs. Amrit Arora; Shri N. B. Pillai etc . . . . These are the people who still visit us in the building and leave without seeing other tenants. Incidentally only we get invited to function and parties in their house and vice versa. But unfortunately they left for better houses as they have risen in life to great heights. We are all together in all sukh dukh. But now we are left with bad tenants. But inspite of left with bad tenants we have not filed any case except this one. We may be encouraged to file more cases (of course on genuine and serious grounds only) if we are sure to see fate of these cases in our life time.


Your honor, I am enclosing profile of our tenants in other building known as Saburi Building . These profiles were ready as I had prepared them  for circulating in area and to press  to create public awareness that not all landlords ( as branded by media) are bad and that not  all tenants are suffering ( rather are causing sufferings). On the scale of 1 to 10 I can give them Grade 5 and to tenants left in Tholiya Bhavan I can not grade them even 10 ( they  are much worst then tenants in Saburi Building .Yet we have not filed cases on others in Tholiya Bhavan. Shortly I will be preparing profile of our tenants in Tholiya Bhavan too who are worst then tenants in Saburi.


Now few clarifications and humble suggestions:

Honorable sir,

I can understand if litigant is not allowed to speak / intervene when the issue is sub-judice / meaning discussion on matter / facts of cases are on. But when there is a breach of privilege, when irrelevant points are raised, sarcastic comments are made, comments on personality/ integrity or status are made/ comments to prejudice, belittle the opposite party is made  then the affected party must be allowed to raise point of privilege / point of order.

Sir, very often our own Advocate may not know the facts if comments outside the purview of suit is made like the above comment that sons (while I am the only son) of old lady keeps filing suit after suit (while this is a first suit in 30 long years). And all advocates are not aggressive. Some other do not want to make a scene or hurt others. But Sir, lie allegation thrown on your face, comments hurled on you belittling you hurts. Has shelter provider done any crime by giving you a shelter and then get such undeserving comments inspite of doing always good   inspite of being always good.( Only a secret survey can prove my claim).

Sir, I will welcome them to fight their case on merit and facts and I won't try to poke my dirty nose in between. But can not take any more insulting statements full of lies lying down. Can not allow their smart modus operandi to delay the case. Pl. do away the system where person directly hurt can not speak before Hon. Court.

Sir, even any ordinary M.P. can interrupt the whole proceedings of august parliament / or interrupt Hon.  P.M. or get heard in between if he has valid point to rise (thru point of Order or point of privilege). Can't we the litigants get such rights? Do we have to bear all  humiliation  and get  maligned at the hands of Advocate not fighting on issues?


V.IMP:  If not then pl. advise Advocates Bar Association to every month have one training session in familiarizing and understanding court procedures and protocols : Rights and duties of litigants etc.. They can even charge token fee for same.

Sir, I had an opportunity to attend course in parliamentary procedures when I was in collage. By the way I had also won Best parliamentarian Award with my co-member Shri Nayan Shah (now leading Builder) in "Inter Jaycees Club Mock Parliament" organized by Malabar Hill Jaycees. The judges were Hon T.K. Tope (The then Vice Chancellor University of Mumbai), Hon. Shri Y. P. Trivedi (Legal Luminary) and Hon. Shri Nana Chudasama (Ex-Sheriff of Mumbai).Similarly there are counseling for patients and relatives before operation. Every day we read about several lectures on health held in various parts of city.

But we get no opportunity to learn the court  procedures and protocols and keep suffering in silence. 




Profile of My Tenants:


Chandrama Shukla:


This man was my grandfather's regular customer. Sweet spoken. Was a milkman popularly known as Dudhwala bhaiya.

One day (in around 1976) he approached my grandfather saying he lost most of his cows in a disease. With only two of them left he told he did not find the supplying milk to other shopkeepers. He requested my grandfather to allow him to sit on open otla (open front balcony) for 3 hours everyday and allow him to retail his milk. On the ground of mercy and 2 liters of milk everyday my grandfather allowed him. Soon he started sitting whole day. Then he created a booth. Soon he sublet the booth to third party at Rs. 1200/- per month to run a tea and snacks business/ eatery. When we objected he went to court and filed a declaratory suit to declare him as tenant at Rs. 40/- per month (the standard rent fixed by law) .The suit went on for 15 years. He kept on increasing rent from his subtenants but paid nothing to us pending judgment from court. The day court framed issues and he realized that he had no document, evidence or witness in his favor he came to me to have compromise. He demanded Rs. 1 lac to leave the otla. ( In 1995 one lac had more value then today's 10 lac). When I consulted my advocate and friends (expert in property matters and the delaying courts) they advised me to pay and get back the possession of my own premises as they explained me that after loosing here he may go to two bench appeal court. Then will go to High court and then to…..Which is more expensive and time consuming then paying him..

I paid my hard earned money to a person (who cheated my grandfather who had extended help to him and also pulled him in court for more then a decade) and misused Indian court's delaying system to his advantage.


Only great thing about him is (unlike Kishansingh Chohan) he did not further encroach on our other area and neither broke his commitment once agreed to vacate for Rs. 1 lac.


Mrs. Bina Chowdhari:

25 years back I was Dealer of fans and appliances. I had paid dealership deposit of orient fans. When I changed my business activity I wrote to them to refund my dealership deposit of Rs. 5000/-. When months wait and several follow-ups went in vain I wrote to MRTP , New Delhi . With in 15 days came the rep. of Orient fans and handed me over a cheque and requested a letter for withdrawal of my complaint .There are several such incidences where I had to approach Ombudsman of Banks and insurance etc. and ( for myself or for others) and the results were there.

Now these grievances redressal cell have themselves become harassment tools and delay devils. Be it consumer courts, MRTP. Motor Accident Tribunal, Ombudsman or any other similar agency. Nowhere there is a fear of these agencies and one who is taking ride of yours will rather become more empowered to harass you by misusing these machinery otherwise created to help redress issues of innocent suffering citizens.

Worst of all is Indian Judiciary .Indian Judiciary is one institute which lectures and sermons all but does not look with in. The corruption, delay and misuse of judicial system is rampant. Advocates take fee in advance and then are never bothered to prepare and assist the client. Client has to chase and follow-up. For no reason they keep asking for adjournments and same is granted without even raising eyebrows. Half the precious time of courts is wasted in calling out matter and then adjourning the same. There is no penalty for seeking any number of adjournments. So if you want to harass any one (like tenants do ) just file a case on false ground asking for extra rights and then see that landlord is pulled to court for a decade or two. Then keep asking high compensation for withdrawing the case or let him suffer.

Mrs. Bina Chowdhari (tenant of premises on first floor admeasuring 700 sq. ft. commercial area having to pay rent of only Rs. 137/- per month) filed a case against me in 1990 claiming tenancy to Terrace, exterior walls and staircase leading to first floor. An injunction was granted to her promptly. She has no paper, document, rent receipt or tenancy agreement to support her claim that terrace or exterior walls etc. is tenanted to her. But still she could get injunction to help fulfill her dream of harassing and squeezing landlord by misusing our judicial system. There after she has been asking for adjournments or filing interim notices / application to delay the matter. In her case I filed application for expediting the matter on grounds of one of the landlords and defendant (my mother) being senior citizen. Even this application was stalled by her for five years. Finally matter was labeled to be expedited but yet her delay tactics continue. The Hon. Court either sympathizes with tenant, or old or person looking poor. In her case she is tenant, old and successfully pretends to be poor (as she dresses shabbily) and on the top is widow. Her lawyer once asked for an offer. We offered her Rs.70 lacs to vacate this old dilapidated building which is in the state of falling (as per the report of court commissioner and court appointed architect), Fire brigade and many other experts. Alternatively we also offered to rebuild the building and give her back tenanted area as per our records. But she is asking for Rs.2 crores where as there are 2 other tenants also. That means for my own ground floor shops which are officially commercial ( there are 7 rooms ) and for paying property taxes, assessment taxes and looking after the property, and investing in same time and money for decades I get not more then  tenants who have residential area or unauthorized area in hand. Is not this a black mail?

In the meanwhile condition of building built in 1942 and not maintained due to rent act is becoming bad day by day and if falls then will cause heavy loss to life and property.




Kishansingh Chauhan


My Grand father was running besides other business a Jawahar Hotel too. As he could not manage the hotel he shut it down. One of the workers of a hotel   Kishansingh Chauhan's father came down from Rajasthan and pleaded to continue job of his son Kishansingh saying that they will all die if Kishan is not able to send money to them in their village which is affected with draught. After deliberations my grandfather gave him a stall of 6'x 6' on open space of compound to run a tea stall at monthly compensation of Rs. 150/-.He gave his hotel licence, his crockery and furniture of hotel to Kishansingh


Kishansingh filed a suit in around 1980 in small causes court asking to declare him a tenant and took certain injunctions. There after in the name of protecting from rain and sun he put plastic sheets around stall. After few years replaced plastic with talpatri and then put up cement sheet. And in few years he illegally encroached and enclosed the whole south side of open space. Now stands there is renovated Hotel named as a Ranjit Hotel.

In 1989 I purchased the said building from landlord and tried to keep good relations with all tenants and trespassers. Around 1998 Kishansingh called me up and requested for Rs. 10000/- as his wife had to under go emergency operation. He promised to me that he will refund the money to me with in 15 days. Inspite of constraints at my end I raised the money from mother etc. and lent it to him. Till today about 10 years have passed he has not sent back a single rupee.

This January he approached me with another offer. He said his two daughter's are to be married and that he too is not keeping well. He offered to vacate the premises and surrendered back to me if I give him Rs. 60 lacs. After negotiations amount was settled at Rs. 40 lacs. We fixed a date for a deal where I will pay him and he will vacate simultaneously. Just before 3 days of this date he came to me saying that he had kept a subtenant ( a tailor ) and he has to refund his deposit and also marriage has arrived in the family so he needs Rs. 6 lacs. He promised to keep his word on date fixed. As a commitment he brought with him reputed area leader of Congress Shri Suresh Thakur.

I told him to hand over me the possession of the area of tailor and in turn I will pay the Rs. 6 lacs. Next day at about 10 p.m. he called me at tailor shop in my building and handed over the possession of that shop admeasuring merely 40 sq. ft. to me. In turn I took him to my neighboring shop Saraiya Cleaners and handed him over Rs. 6 lacs in the presence of Mr. Saraiya and Kishansingh's  son  in law etc.. so that marriage of his other daughters could be performed without hitch.

After taking this money once again he failed to keep his word and did not vacate. I am still waiting for refund of my money (of course with interest) as I too am paying interest.

And in court even after 25 years matter lingers on. I have no hope of justice from courts and delayed justice is justice denied.

We see in film Gandhigiri works but in real life especially in case of such persons no Gandhigiri works.


As per tenants, courts, govt. and newspapers everyone should make money except shelter providers (the landlords):


Dattatraya Tobacco Shop (Run by Mrs. Lalita Liladhar Chougule)


After I purchased the Dias Building in 1989 (now named as Saburi Building by me) I continued to keep good relations with the tenant Shri Liladhar Chougule running Pan Bidi shop named as Dattatraya Tobacco Shop. Unfortunately the proprietor Liladhar Chougule died of Cancer. His sons started running the shop but forgot to pay rent. I thought that since they may be ignorant about importance of having a rent receipt and paying a rent in time I advised them to pay the rent regularly which is just Rs. 40/- p.m. and collect the receipt. I also advised them to write for my record a letter requesting me to change the name of tenancy in their mother's name. When they wrote to me I changed the name without asking for a rupee or without delay and offered even a cup of tea. Here it is important to note that after sad demise of my Grandfather I had to bow down, heavily follow up and pay speed money to every single govt. authority for change of name on licenses / certificates etc. be it Sales tax dept., BMC licence dept., shops and Establishment dept., Rationing office, profession tax dept., probate dept. of high court, land records dept, assessment dept. of B.M.C., Death certificate dept of B.M.C., City survey office etc. etc. None showed sympathy on sad demise of my beloved grand father who had kept good relations with most of them. I am sure even heirs of Liladhar Chougule must have paid heftily and happily to concerned govt. officials for name change. But here I offered them a cup of tea and without asking any favor transferred the name of deceased tenant to his heir. But as a landlord I am a bad person in the eyes of neighbors, newspapers and law.

As fate has in store for landlords here again I had to suffer. After the youngsters took over the business they added several other activities to their business without any permission. They made loft and have sublet same @ 5000/- p.m. to a shoe shopkeeper as godown. Storage of shoes be it synthetic or leather are inflammable. They have not taken required Fire dept. licence or other licence for doing so. They have also taken two P.C.O.'s (Tel. no. 26689316 and 66979675) without owner's N.O.C. and are earning well from them. They have also sublet front of their shop to panwala (betel vendor).This is over and above their own ancestral business of cigarette and tobacco etc. So their net monthly income is above Rs. 25000/- easily but they are very irregular in paying rent of just Rs. 40/- p.m. It is well known fact that all shopkeepers in Mumbai pay in hundreds to local puja / visarjan, dandiya mandals and goons. But to landlord they hate to pay even Rs. 40/- gracefully.

Now we have stopped reminding for rent and stopped following up for same. While all hugely profit making co.'s like MTNL, Reliance Energy, Tata indicom and BMC., Mobile co., gas co. etc. can cut the supplies / services in 60 days we can not do anything like that and rent of Rs. 40/- pm is pending since January 2007.

Inspite of being a loss making landlord if I have to file a case for recovery from defaulting tenant then first I have to pay to Advocates fee of Rs. 25000/- or more. Then spend years in court. And after that if tenant starts paying then you do not get anything in relief and all your time and money goes in vain.

Last year I had called a meeting of all the three tenants/ trespassers for inviting suggestions and views on repairs and reconstructions. Only one of them attended.

Finally I approached Dinesh Chougule tenant of this 144 sq. ft. stall. He unashamedly demanded one flat and one small stall against letting us develop this falling building (built in 1942). Not even owners of shops in housing society demand that high to builders. But for newspapers, and legal system in India Tenants deserve sympathy and the shelter providers get the boot.


Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya ( S.E.O.),

What a return on investment!!!! eat a cake and eat it too.....lucky rent act tenants

What a return on investment!!!! 

One of my tenants is having 180 sq ft. Area. Building is old.. Deteriorated. No lift. No 

Proper maintenance. He is not having attached toilet ,bath, balcony and thus using common bath and toilet. No watchman, no garden no new society facilities.

 However they r asking for prevailing market price of new ownership building. Instead of 180 sq. Ft. They are asking compensation for 350 sq ft..  asking for ownership rights.

These demand of bigger area comes from news that  slum dwellers of Dharavi are going to get bigger area. But they do not realize that slum re-developers/ builders  ( mostly politicians and bureaucrats)  are getting 4 times free FSI where as landlord is not getting an inch free. The TDR is available but that is not for compensating tenants  and TDR is to be bought at high price and not coming free and construction cost and municipal very high  bribe cost is extra.

Pl. Advise how to satisfy such a tenant? Is it rational??

Landlord has paid for decades to tahsildar, talati, BMC, for property tax, assessment tax etc. besides emergency repairs and maintenance, property manager etc. In turn the tenant has been paying merely Rs. 40/- per 180 sq. Ft. But is now asking Rs. 35 lacs ( considering Rs. 10000/- p. Sq. Ft for 350 sq. Ft.).  

So investment of Rs. 40/- p.m. and enjoying/ exploiting shelter for whole month u get in return Rs. 35/- lacs. What a return on investment!!!! 

 Dear Tenants / Trespassers:

1. Live amicably. Avoid confrontation with landlord.

In ur heart u will agree that Mumbai rent act is one sided and grossly favouring tenants..
However there r some grounds on which landlord the shelter provider can file case in rent act courts/ small causes court.
There r some ground on which landlord can go to city civil and or even criminal court.
But if both the parties live with understanding and fellowship then such situation can be avoided. I request u to not to do anything to harm the harmony and compelling us to go to court. Pl. note that going to court means money flows out like water. U have to chase ur advocate, court clerk, Xerox wala, stamp wala, typing wala etc. Gather evidences, documents, and witnesses. Worst is dates after dates in court will have to spend. Easily one case till end can cost anywhere from Rs.50000/- to 2 lacs. And that is not the end rather it is beginning. Then may have to approach higher courts.
So for any wise person court is the last choice.
Hope u will avoid a situation which warrants legal action. I for one want to avoid courts.. Rather I am one who would like panchas to decide small issues as by going to court matters worsen as some advocates add spice to the simple case and make it acidic / ulcerated.
So I repeat do not give any opportunity which calls for filing of cases against each other. Same is very taxing on time and money and B.P...By the way u all know what r the issues and avoid them..
Let us resolve issues by peacefully settling same. Once in court then there is no reversal. Then I would like to not sit down but fight to finish..
If there r any comments or suggestions then pl. write back to me.


2. Spend for upkeep and hygiene as landlord is already in loss:

Also in ur heart u know that every expenses have increased blowing the roof but the rent. Since u r protected u don't offer to pay a paisa more to landlord. Never mind but spend something to keep environment beautiful, hygienic and safe.

3. Ask for only fair market price if u decide to leave for better living:

And when u decides to leave our property pl. ask for prevailing market price and we will have to give u that as otherwise no one quits. We have already paid many then why not you. With present delays in justice sysytem v have no choice.

 Most imp.:   No tenant can evict another tenant therefore one tenant has not to fear another sinful/ dictatorial tenant.

                   No tenant can do away with landlord. Keep peace with him.

                   Only landlord can file eviction suit for annoying him.   



Some Clarifications / some facts :

  1. Thousands of landlord owned buildings are lying as it is for 60 yrs or more and those living there r suffocating in inhuman conditions both owners and tenants.
  2.  Very thin population of tenants have been lucky to get higher compensation that too when landlord was in desperate situation. But all tenants are lying down for decades with open mouth waiting apple to fall in their mouth too. Is it greed?? Is it blackmail??? Is it arm-twisting????

What is a difference between Mafia Dawood and a tenant who demands manifold then he is entitled to or blocks the sale/ development???? And media, police and judiciary sympathises with tenants.


3.      Govt has given 4 FSI to slum dwellers SRA scheme and announced 225/ 290 sq  ft accommodation for slum dwellers. Landlords have not been given extra FSI. So tenants if r expecting bigger flats are day dreaming. All tenants may unite and ask for 4 FSI for landlords so that they too get this benefit. Besides SRA scheme flat owners can not sell their flat for 15 years.SRA buildings are having no proper lighting / space as rules are compromised. No stilt in SRA.NO open ground. And poor construction. But some ignorant are asking 225/ 290 sq ft from landlords in lieu of their 180 sq ft or so.

4.      Unfortunately present RBI policy does not give necessary finance to landlords to redevelop building. All tenants should ask for necessary change in policy so that landlords can reconstruct their houses and reoffer good modern houses to tenants. 


So since tenants are in numbers and voters count in India and not moral and  rule of law may tenants demand a better deal from govt for landlords so in turn landlord can give a better deal and much better houses to tenants ( definitely much better then SRA) .

Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O.),

Friday, October 1, 2010

Fw: Fast track courts Purohit case

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: tholiya <>
Cc: Tholiya Family <>;
Sent: Sat, 23 December, 2006 4:34:42 PM
Subject: Fast track courts Purohit case

Saturday, December 23, 2006

From:                                                                                                                                                               &nb sp;             Mrs. Saroj Tholiya,

Age: 80 years,

Tholiya Bhavan, 10th Rd. ,

Santa Cruz east,

Mumbai 400055

M: 9324225699





Hon. Union minister for Law and Justice,

Govt. of India

Parliament House,

New Delhi


Dear Sir,



I am a lady aged 80 years and a senior citizen. I have copy of mail of Press Information Bureau of India dt. 22 July 2003 (copy enclosed). The mail shows good intention of your office to provide the much required relief to senior citizens by having fast track courts.


However the fact at ground level is still different. Inspite of clear instruction from your office to accord priority to cases of senior citizens by having fast track courts there are none in Maharashtra . And the opposite litigant  party is able to indulge in delay tactics by remaining absent dates after dates ,seeking adjournments after adjournments , seeking long dates ,  non filing of replies in time, filing unnecessary interim notices one after another and to top it all dockets go missing. Courts are non sympathetic/ non sensitive to whole episode and they turn blind and deaf to sufferings of litigant's specially senior citizens who wait anxiously to see justice in their life time but all in vain.


I here by give gist of my personal experiences of delay and harassment:


Court room no. 35

In the court of Small causes at Mumbai

(Bandra Branch)

R.A.E. suit no. 864 of 2004

(This is a suit filed under relevant rent act)


  1. The above suit was filed in the year 2004.
  2. In the month of May 2005 we filed application to expedite the matter on the ground of one of the plaintiffs and the one of the defendant being senior citizens.
  3. Until our Advocate wrote to advocate of defendants on 25-10-2005 to remain present and file reply they till then remained absent for five months and Hon. Court did nothing.
  4. Order to expedite the matter was passed on 20-12-2005 .
  5. Inspite of the fact that this matter was expedited yet it appeared on board on 48 no. on 28-03-2006 and to our shock with a remark DD which meant Dummy Docket which meant original case files / docket has been lost.
  6. On 5-5-2006 the docket was found but was badly eaten away by white ants. Matter was adjourned to 17-06-06 for framing of issues.
  7. The matter did not appear on board and we were told once again that the matter / docket is missing.
  8. After daily follow-ups and written complaint finally the docket was found. Hearing started but once again on date 4-11-2004 docket went missing and matter did not appear. After personal chase on 9-11-2006 our Advocate made written application to Hon. Court to direct office to trace out the matter.
  9. On 27-11-06 Hon. Additional Registrar by his letter no. A-6/BB/497/2006 informed that docket has been traced and suit is kept on board on 05-12-2006 .
  10. On 05-12-2006 matter was adjourned to 20-01-2007 that is adjourned for 45 days.

Hon. Sir,

If this is a fate of expedited matter then imagine the plight and agony of other litigants. I request you to:

·        Follow up with the Government of Maharashtra to start fast track courts as envisaged by your office in above letter.

·        Ensure better amenities to courts and their office.

·        Ensure that adjournments are not given easily and delay tactics are viewed seriously.

·        Do not allow more then 15 cases per advocate at a time so that they do justice to cases in hand, they come prepared, and try to finish of the matter fast so they can take another matter in hand. Today they pile up and hoard up cases but have no time to remain present and finally take adjournments after adjournments and their clients suffer in courts for decades.

·        If one of the party or their advocate wants adjournment on genuine ground then they should inform of same in advance to other side to save the time and money spent on attending the court. Presently after making us sit down in court for hours when the matter is called out then the other side takes the date and gets away by wasting our day on which we could attend to our other work.


Hope you will do the needful and oblige,

Thanking you,


Sincerely yours.


Saroj Tholiya


C.C. to Leading Newspapers