From :
Tholiya Family, the Resident,
1 st Floor, Tholiya Bhavan.
Other Residents, 1st Floor,
Tholiya Bhavan.
Dear All,
U r all aware that water is a necessity.
That wasting it is a national crime as our country has shortage of water.
That we have one common water meter and if anyone’s tap is left open then water gets wasted and others do not get sufficient water. Specially when tap is left open by person who has tap on low level then person on higher level does not get water. My water tank is on terrace and thus is on highest level and if water is kept flowing on 1st floor level then my bathroom does not get water and 4 of us use that bathroom and so on…..
That I have bigger family, we pay more towards sharing of water and we have senior citizen in our family.
That at all times my family has given water and several other assistance to those who suddenly arrived from Jaipur etc and helped in various other ways in crisis.
But it is sadly found that while going out without having any regard to the inconvenience it will cause (god knows intentionally or unintentionally) taps were left open by other residents’ in their homes. And doors were under lock and key.
It created over flow resulting in:
1. Wastage of water which is a scarce national resource which none has right to waste even if paid by him.
2. As our share is higher we will be paying for wasted water which is a additional burden on us.
3. It created shortage of water and we suffered from less or no water.
WE here by appeal to all residents of 1st floor to ensure that when they go out of their room for overnight or longer period then pl. check water taps and keep them closed and ensure no water is wasted.
I am sure you all will cooperate and ensure that there are no escalation of such issues. We would not like to take legal recourse available to us on same if due care is taken and all behave as responsible neighbors and citizens.
Alok Tholiya
Put up on Notice board and on:
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